Solidarity Knows No Borders, 2024
"The Solidarity Knows No Borders Organising Workbook is a collective learning resource for organisers working towards migrant justice. This workbook was originally created as a resource for Solidarity Knows No B o r d e r s Solidarity Knows No Borders (SKNB) is a community of migrant organisations, groups and individuals, working in solidarity, to end hostility and racism against migrants and refugees. Together we are demanding dignity and justice for all. The first version was made in the run up to a week of action in 2021 where over 60 groups came together across the country to organise against the hostile environment & immigration system. To create the world we want, we must build our power as a progressive movement for social justice that does not leave anyone behind. This toolkit is for you to use, adapt and share with your community. In the spirit of learning together, we recognise that this is not a definitive guide.”
Alternative Learning,
Protest / Revolt,
Socialism / Communism / Capitalism