Setting up a Workers’ Co-op
Workers’ coops give us a chance to change a small but significant part of how things are. They’re one way to gain control over how we work, and the impact our work has on others and our environment. Workers’ coops are part of the cooperative family – democratic, member owned enterprises set up for the benefit of the members and the wider community. In a workers’ coop only people who work for the organis- ation can be members: there are no bosses or shareholders, it’s the people doing the work that have the say. All members have an equal say in running the business, including pay and work conditions.
Starting a workers’ coop is exciting and rewarding but also full of challenges. It’s like setting up any other business, except you’re doing it collectively. Don’t underestimate the huge amounts of time, commitment and learning that working collectively and setting up a business can take! The steps below will hopefully give you a guide to what work you need to do to get your coop up and running.”
Alternative Learning,
Protest / Revolt,
Socialism / Communism / Capitalism