Art in the Land: A Critical Anthology of
Environmental Art
The work these artists produce gives rise to thoughts o f‘wide open spaces,” unlimited amounts of American land, and the tradition of its conquest. These artworks were built to speak of themselves, not the land they occupy. At the other end of the spectrum there are artists pursuing the relatively new idea of cooperation with the environment, which they see as necessary because of the threat of its destruction. These artists respond sensitively to the works site, changing it as little as possible. This group is especially interested in stimulating an awareness of nature and the Earth. The artists’ awareness of the Earth is growing worldwide, but the United States has become the center of artistic activities focusing on the idea. Art in the land is an American movement. The experimental atmosphere in the United States has led to the development of this innovative art within only a few years. In addition, it is significant that America still possesses great quantities of land to which artists have access.“